The Ultimate Moving House Checklist Adelaide – Downloadable PDF

Moving to a new home is an adventure filled with possibilities, and if you’re currently planning a move within Adelaide, this comprehensive checklist is here to assist you every step of the way. From the moment you make the decision to relocate to the day you settle into your new space, careful organization and thoughtful preparation are essential. By following this detailed checklist, you can streamline the moving process, reduce stress, and ensure a smooth transition to your new home. Hope these tools and guidance to make your move a success.

Need an interior decorator

  1. Six Weeks Before Moving:
    • Declutter. Anything you don’t like anymore, hasn’t been used or worn, consider throwing away, donating or selling.
    • Begin collecting packing supplies such as boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, and markers.
  2. One Month Before Moving:
    • Set a date to move.
    • Ask for leave from work.
    • Research and lock in a removalist.
    • Notify your landlord if you are renting.
    • Start using up food in the freezer and pantry.
    • Start packing non-essential items such as out-of-season clothes, books, and decorations.
    • Notify your utility companies (electricity, gas, water) of your move and arrange for disconnection or transfer of services.
    • Arrange for any necessary services at your new home, such as internet, cable, or security systems.
  3. Three Weeks Before Moving:
    • Visualise and create a furniture floorplan. Consider hiring an interior decorator if you need help with this task.
    • Notify relevant parties of your change of address, including government agencies, your employer, schools, and healthcare providers.
    • Contact your insurance provider to update your policies for the new location.
  4. Two Weeks Before Moving:
    • Return all library books.
    • Book a locksmith to change the keys at your new home on moving day.
    • Pack most of your belongings, leaving only the essentials for the final weeks.
    • Redirect your mails with Australia Post.
    • Arrange for someone to look after your small children and pets on moving day.
  5. One Week Before Moving:
    • Pick up keys from real estate agent.
    • Confirm the moving date and arrival time with your moving company, and inform them of any access constraints or parking instructions.
    • Pack an overnight bag for each family member, including clothes, toiletries, prescription medication, and toys for kids.
    • Pack essential household items such as basic kitchenware, bed linen, chargers, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, screwdrivers/Allen keys, remote controls etc. Load these boxes last or take them in your own car.
    • Drain oil and liquid from your lawn mower.
    • Inform your neighbours that you are moving and ask them to leave enough parking space in front of your property for the moving truck.
    • Check if the garden and interior of your new home are safe for kids and pets to play.
    • Check if the hot water system and air conditioning are in working order.
  6. One Day Before Moving:
    • Unplug and clean the fridge and freezer.
    • Disconnect and drain liquid from your washing machine.
    • Drain liquid from your iron and icemakers.
    • Make sure everything you won’t immediately need in the new house is already packed.
    • Take photos of the home if it’s a rental property.
    • Keep important documents and valuables with you on moving day.
  7. Moving Day:
    • Take final meter readings for utilities and inform the providers.
    • Verify that all boxes and belongings are loaded onto the moving truck.
    • Guide the movers on where to place furniture, appliances, and boxes.
    • Ensure nothing is left behind.
    • Ensure your old home is locked up and return the keys.
    • Set up beds first.
    • Plug in all necessary appliances such as fridge and washing machine.
    • Unpack the household essential boxes.
    • Unpack personal overnight bag.
  8. After Moving:
    • Consider hiring a handyman to check for any maintenance or repair work.
    • Engage an interior decorator if needed. After the move, you may discover the need for new furnishings to enhance the comfort and aesthetics of your new home. Research and hire an interior decorator to assist you in purchasing furniture, lighting, rugs, artwork, and decorative accessories. At Linlin Interiors, we take Adelaide clients shopping and share our trade discounts, saving you time and money.
    • Explore your new neighborhood and find essential services such as supermarkets, schools, and healthcare facilities.

Moving can be a complex process, so staying organized and planning ahead will help ensure a smooth transition to your new home.